Monday, July 27, 2015

I Love It Here!

This week went by way faster than last week, which was nice! I was going to do all of these things but then I realized it's already p-day again. I got the okay to drive now so that's been really nice! I haven't had to worry about dying all the time when my companion would drive crazy!
But honestly this week was a crazy roller coaster of highs and lows!

On Monday we learned about how to teach and do family history. The guy who was teaching us is amazing. He knows so much and got us really excited to share it with other people. I hope we will be able to talk to more people using family history! This ward does a ton with it and even has a family history center in the church that is free. 

(After a very difficult experience where an investigator (Kerri) yelled in her face...she shared the following:)

Oh man, then the worst moment ever happened. I started to cry and I was so embarrassed! I went to the bathroom and just started praying out loud!

It was incredible, the Lord truly does help us in our hour of need and is always there. I prayed for peace and strength to be able to get through this church tour with Kerri. I had the scripture D&C 121: 7-8 come to mind and I knew I would be able to get through it! 

D&C 121 7-8 
My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. 

I walked back into the room and apologized for being unprofessional. I think Kerri now has zero respect for me and looks at me as a foolish little Mormon girl with little life experience. But I know who I am. I know I am a daughter of God and that I have great worth. I know I was set apart as a disciple of Christ and that he has given me power and authority to be a minister to the people I teach. I know he loves me and he loves Kerri so much! I learned that Heavenly Father loves all of his children very much and that when we are frustrated or mad at someone all we have to do is pray for them and ask for his love and he will give it to you.

I learned that in moments where you feel disrespected and upset you can always turn to him for peace. 

I learned that Jesus Christ had it so much worse and he knows exactly how I feel and his Atonement is truly healing. 

I learned to brush off bad feelings and move on to do his great work:)

Sis. Douglas

I love it here, all of the members backyards look like little sacred
groves!!! Seriously how did I get so lucky 😄

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